Washington DC – May 18th, 2013 –
Last night in DC was just one of those nights that I will remember for a long time.  I always love playing POV at The W. Its a cool room with a great vibe. From the terrace you can actually see the White House and the Capital Building as well as The Washington Monument.
When I got there I found out I was playing a private event for the Georgetown University Graduating class of 2013, who had bought out the lounge for the evening. The night took a pretty cool turn when I met one of the hosts of the event, Arnold Schwarzenneger. ( Later on in the evening I caught him dancing around, so the tunes must have been on point if ” The Terminator ” was rocking out.)
Fast forward to around 3:30AM. I packed up and headed out with a few friends to hang out before  heading back to the airport. We decided to do our own late night tour of the monuments, and for a good hour it seemed like time had just stopped. It really was just a surreal experience. Words cannot do justice to how beautiful it was.